Bi-Annual Homeowner's Meeting Oct 11

The board would like to invite you to a semi-annual homeowners' meeting on October 11 at Mabel Fry Library at 7 p.m..  We have information about the landscaping grant that the association has been awarded and the board invites discussion on the issue of acceptance of this grant.  We need to know the interest of the Stonebridge residents and willingness to contribute to watering twice a year.
Also, Mr. Richard Ruth has reserved the bridge on October 6 from 6 - 8 p.m.  He is hosting a reception for Kenneth Corn, political candidate for Lieutenant Governor.  All homeowners are welcome to attend at the bridge or stop by Mr. Ruth's home and Meet Mr. Corn.

Enjoy this beautiful fall weather...and watch for pansies in the next week or two!

Call the Police!

Yes...if you see anyone trying to enter the gates without a remote or without a code or by climbing in or prying the gate open then call the police immediately.  We have had a group of teenage boys forcing open the front gates and then opening the exit gate with the button to let others in.  This is breaking and entering, and it is illegal.  This is not a problem that we can handle in-house and you should call the police.

Agenda Items for June 14 Meeting

The next board meeting is on June 14 at 6 p.m. at the Mabel Fry Library.  Current agenda items are: 

  • Watering and Landscape - Susan Vance from Western Lawns
  • Budget for 2010
    • Handyman expense
  • Treasurer's Report - Sherry Zachary
  • Meetings to be scheduled in homes of volunteer homeowners
  • Neighborhood Alliance Grant report
  • Lake wall status - beaver damage, repair & responsibility 
  • Committee lists & website
  • Neighborhood signs - Stephoni Case
  • Camera replacement and security - Steve Davenport
  • Street repair - Jim Weaver
  • Solar lights for street lights
  • New Business

Agenda Items for May 10 Board Meeting

  • Joni Brown - informationabout speed limit signs or visibility signs near front gate
  • Sheri Lane - Information on resolution of security cameras and computers for gates
  • Stephoni Case - Information on new neighborhood signs (speed, children playing, etc...)
  • Jim Weaver - Calling box repair report
  • Jim Weaver - Budget discussion request
  • Jim Weaver, Dave Crutchfield - Gate code distribution and changes report
  • Landscape Committee - removal of dead pine trees, redesign report, spending report
  • Committee Volunteer charts
  • Sherry Zachary - treasurer's report.  Information/details on handyman expense
  • Schedule and location of meetings for the remainder of the year
  • Dave Crutchfield - website update