It is no secret that our lake and common areas are being overwhelmed by Canadian geese. This is a problem in many areas that offer protected water with nice mowed areas around them. The main problem is the accumulation of fecal material in areas frequented by children, pets and walkers. While avian veterinary experts tell us that the geese do not pass on any intestinal parasites of great importance, there IS a concern that they carry a bacteria know as E. Coli, which can be pathogenic to humans! This can be brought into our homes by our feet or our pets' feet.
Not only do they produce an unsightly mess, there may be significant health issues! To this end, the board has voted to restrict the voluntary feeding of the geese on our common property. They are wild animals and will thrive better in nature if they are allowed to find their own food. We need to encourage them to leave rather than encourage them to stay. If the problem is not remedied, we will be forced to obtain professional help to facilitate their removal.