Please accept my apology for the confusion about getting the bluetooth application installed on your phone's at the guardhouse on October 10. Orion requested a change in date. They will now be available to install this app on your phone Tuesday, October 17, from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
To clear up some misunderstandings, this application is just one more way to open the gate. If installed on your phone, you must open the app, place your phone up to the key pad, press a button on your phone, and the gate will open. IT IS NOT A WAY TO OPEN THE GATE REMOTELY, OR FOR SOMEONE OTHER THAN THE PERSON WITH THE PHONE IN HAND.
If this application is still of interest to you, we will look forward to seeing you next Tuesday evening between the times mentioned above.
Again, please forgive us for our communication error!
Caryl Trousdale