The minutes for the December board meeting are linked to this announcement.
January 10, 2012, the board will meet at 6 pm at 9800 Ramsey Road. If you have any agenda items, please contribute them as soon as possible. Email items to
Donations for the Infant Crisis Center
At this time of year, many of us look to reach out to others and share our blessings with them. Judi Crutchfield is on the advisory board for Infant Crisis Services and during this holiday time, Judi is offering to deliver donated items to the center. This is a wonderful organization and would appreciate any contributions you could make. The suggested items to donate are disposable diapers, Good Start formula, baby clothes (newborn to 6) baby bottles, pacifiers, bath soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste. You can take your items to Judi and Dave's home at 4012 Ramsey Road. You may call Judi at 440-0959 or just leave your items in a box or sack on her front porch. Thank you, in advance, for your thoughtfulness and generosity to these sweet little ones.
December 13 Board Meeting 6pm 9800 Ramsey
The Agenda:
financial report
street/walkways report
bylaws committee report
information regarding city ordinances and private property
landscaping grant update
Agenda Items for October 11 semi-annual homeowners meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- Managing the covenants - By-Laws committee - Architectural committee
- Rules to add to covenants
- Trucks entering the neighborhood
- North fence/wall – design and payment
- A well to fill Stonebridge lake
- New/additional business
Meeting is 7 pm at 9800 Ramsey Road.
October 11 7pm Semi-Annual Homeowners' Meeting
The semi-annual homeowners' meeting will be at 7 pm on Tuesday evening, October 11. 9801 Ramsey.
The September minutes are located in the Resource Center link on the home page.
Sept 13 Meeting - 6pm - 9800 Ramsey Road
The September board meeting will be on Tuesday, September 13, 6 pm at 9800 Ramsey Road.
Board meeting agenda:
Financial Reports
Reports from board members
Semi- Annual Homeowners' Meeting - plans
North fence/wall
Architectural committee
New business
Executive Session:
Financial Report for Second Quarter of 2011
The financial report for the second quarter of 2011 is attached HERE. You will also find it in the Financial Reports folder on the Resource Center page.
August 9 Board Meeting and Agenda
6 p.m. 9840 Stonebridge Drive
Agenda Items:
Approval of July minutes
Neighborhood sign installation
Basketball goal installation
Pest Control - service and contract
Weeds on common area of the lakefront
Tennis court lights
Trash in neighborhood
Treasurer's report
Executive Session - late fees due
July 12 6pm Board Meeting Agenda
The July board meeting will be at 6 pm on July 12 at 9800 Ramsey Road.
Agenda Items are:
Approval of June meeting minutes
Meeting location
Gateway inquiry
Landscaping report/info (grant & sprinklers)
New treasurer
Budget approval
Neighborhood signs
New business
Executive session
June 14 Board Meeting 6 p.m. at 9800 Ramsey
Agenda items for the board meeting:
- Financial Report
- Emergency fund balance and planned uses of funds
- Budget proposal
- Stockade fence in disrepair
- Overhanging trees
- Guardhouse air conditioner
- Guard for guardhouse
- Grant update
- Status on North wall
- Update on irrigation repair
- Investigate two wells for the commons area
- Establish committee structurewhere more home owners have involvement with a list to work on for sixty days
- Garbage containers visible from the street