All remote controls for the gate are scheduled to be deactivated on Friday, December 1. If you do not have a pike pass registered with Carol Trousdale, a windshield tag, a key fob, or a smartphone app, you will not be able to enter the gate. If you have any questions, please contact Caryl Trousdale at 405-760-6977.
Stop Sign at Mariner & Overholser Drive/20 mph in Stonebridge
Law enforcement has indicated that they will be monitoring the stop sign at the intersection of Mariner Drive and Overholser Drive. Reportedly, several Stonebridge homeowners have been ticketed for failing to come to a complete stop. We urge all homeowners to stop at the stop sign and properly assess traffic and pedestrians before proceeding.
The board would also like to remind residents of the 20 mph speed limit within Stonebridge. We do have several small children who play in driveways and front yards, as well as walkers and runners. We know that it is easy to forget at times to reduce our speed. Please be sure to remind your family members about the 20 mph speed limit.
Security System Bluetooth App Clarification
Please accept my apology for the confusion about getting the bluetooth application installed on your phone's at the guardhouse on October 10. Orion requested a change in date. They will now be available to install this app on your phone Tuesday, October 17, from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
To clear up some misunderstandings, this application is just one more way to open the gate. If installed on your phone, you must open the app, place your phone up to the key pad, press a button on your phone, and the gate will open. IT IS NOT A WAY TO OPEN THE GATE REMOTELY, OR FOR SOMEONE OTHER THAN THE PERSON WITH THE PHONE IN HAND.
If this application is still of interest to you, we will look forward to seeing you next Tuesday evening between the times mentioned above.
Again, please forgive us for our communication error!
Caryl Trousdale
Security System iPhone Apps Installed Tuesday, October 17
Orion Security will be installing iPhone Apps for all those who wish to have one on their phone on Tuesday, October 17, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Main Gate Guardhouse. Each household may have one app at no charge. Additional apps may be purchased at a cost of $25 each. The app may be used to enter the gate when in a vehicle that does not have a registered Pike Pass or key fob.
Meeting of all Homeowners Rescheduled
The meeting has been postponed to Tuesday, September 12, 2017, 7:00 p.m., on the Bridge -- Come join your neighbors for updates from the Board, open discussion, and fellowship. Hope to see you all there!
Final Judgement: Weaver Family vs Stonebridge HOA
Security/Gate Entry
For information and questions regarding our new security system, click on the SECURITY button on the HOMEOWNER PORTAL home page. Then click on the topic. You will find instructions for gate entry when having a Party or Event or when your Home is For Sale.
Notice of Hearing on Route 66 Landing
Annual Meeting of Stonebridge Lake Estates
March 7, 2017
6:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn Bethany, off 39th Expressway
New Security and Gate Entry System
Everyone should have received an email regarding the new security and gate entry system. Please be sure to fill out your Credential Request Form and drop it in the mailbox at the front gate by February 20, 2017. We are excited about the new level of security that this will bring to our neighborhood!
If you have any questions, please contact:
Caryl Trousdale