Please find the attached documents.
1. The amended covenants and restrictions. All legal changes have been made and filed.
2. The quarterly financial report - March 2013
Annual Homeowner's Meeting
The annual homeowner's meeting took place on March 12, 2013 at Lake Overholser Church of the Nazarene. The minutes from that meeting and the results of the board elections is located in the Resources Center.
January Board Meeting
The January board meeting is on January 8, 2013 at 6 pm. The minutes from December 2012 are available in the Resource Center.
November 13 - Monthly Board Meeting
The November board meeting will be at 6 p.m. on November 13 at 9800 Ramsey.
November 13 - Monthly Board Meeting
The November board meeting will be at 6 p.m. on November 13 at 9800 Ramsey.
East Gate and North Wall
The east gate is under repair. New parts are required so we hope it will be completed this Friday.
The financing vote for the north wall passed, by a vast majority, to use the reserve fund. Demolition of the old fence is scheduled to begin after Labor Day.
Agenda Items for August 14 meeting
Please post any requested agenda items for the August 14 meeting via the Comment link.
Feeding the Geese
It is no secret that our lake and common areas are being overwhelmed by Canadian geese. This is a problem in many areas that offer protected water with nice mowed areas around them. The main problem is the accumulation of fecal material in areas frequented by children, pets and walkers. While avian veterinary experts tell us that the geese do not pass on any intestinal parasites of great importance, there IS a concern that they carry a bacteria know as E. Coli, which can be pathogenic to humans! This can be brought into our homes by our feet or our pets' feet.
Not only do they produce an unsightly mess, there may be significant health issues! To this end, the board has voted to restrict the voluntary feeding of the geese on our common property. They are wild animals and will thrive better in nature if they are allowed to find their own food. We need to encourage them to leave rather than encourage them to stay. If the problem is not remedied, we will be forced to obtain professional help to facilitate their removal.
Annual Homeowners' Meeting
March 15, 2012
7 p.m.
Lake Overholser Church of the Nazarene
3900 E Lake Overholser Drive
February Board Meeting
The February board meeting will take place on Feb 16 at 6 pm. Details are in the January minutes, which are located in the 'Resources' link of this website.