Our contract with Orion Security Systems allows for a certain number of service calls per year.  Any contact with Orion other than by our Security Committee at the prearranged and specified times can result in additional service charges for our HOA.  For this reason, the Board must request that homeowners please refrain from making phone calls to Orion directly regarding any gate or security issues.  Instead, most gate entrance issues can be addressed on this website by completing the Orion Resident Submissions form on the Homeowner Portal. For further assistance, homeowners may contact a member of the Security Committee or the HOA Board of Directors (see COMMITTEES AND CONTRACTORS on the website)

We encourage all homeowners to also become familiar with the policies regarding gate entrance.  Methods of entry (Pikepass, Stonebridge sticker, key fob, smartphone app, and temporary codes for events) are explained on the Stonebridge website Homeowner Portal under Security > Methods of Entry.


Please be aware that there were attempted car break-ins in Stonebridge early Wednesday morning, June 10, 2020.  The resident at 9832 Stonebridge Drive heard the crime in progress and notified the police, who responded to their home within 5 minutes.  The suspects had fled by the time police arrived, but another break-in call came in to dispatch about the same time, also in Stonebridge. The police then used dogs to search the area for the perpetrators, but they were not found.

This is just another reminder that, although we have made every effort to keep our neighborhood safe as possible, we are still not immune to crime.  We urge every homeowner to be sure and lock your vehicles when left outside.  Also, do not leave valuables in your vehicle overnight.  Hopefully, if thieves are unsuccessful in their pursuits, they will not return.


Homeowner Caryl Trousdale has resigned from her position as point person for our security and gate entry system. We would like to express our sincere and utmost gratitude to Caryl for her countless hours of service. There are no words to express how much we appreciate all that Caryl has done for our community.  She will be a difficult person to replace.  Until further notice, any changes, additions, or issues involving gate entrance should be directed to HOA Board President Paul Rothwell, (405)495-1290, paul@prothwell.com.


Some homeowners have noticed that our property taxes increased considerably this year.  The County Tax Assessors office indicated that this increase was based on homes in our addition that sold a few years ago.  Four homes were sold in 2017 at only $111.58 per sq. ft., an amount considerably lower than the previous home.  Homeowners may object to the property tax increase based on the sale price of the most recent homes sold in Stonebridge by emailing Brian Fife at fifeb@canadiancounty.org.  If you have not yet paid your property taxes and wish to object, you may pay only half of the amount, writing “Paid under protest” on the payment stub.  In the event that our taxes are recalculated, notices will be sent regarding any changes and/or refunds.